Garden Gang
Be sure to THANK our volunteers for beautifying the front entrance. It looks wonderful! Countless hours have been put in by Sue Moore, Donna Rogge, Louise Reagan, Carrie Inman and several others. Thank you Harold Kelly for helping with the entrance lights. More work will need to be done - upkeep, etc. What a great way to meet your neighbors and get involved. Contact Sue to join up with this great “gang!” No gardening experience needed; they will teach you! suemoore@cox.net
The Spring Hill Garden Gang will be working this Thursday at 8:30 a.m. and continue working every Thursday a.m. (as needed) through the summer. We will be planting and maintaining the garden areas at the front and back entrances and several areas in the park.
Our "gang" is very small and we would appreciate any help anyone could give. Just drop by or call Donna Rogge 740-1822 the day before, to see if and where we are working that week. Thanks!
Parents, what a great way to get your kids outside and doing something positive and helpful. Put this on your calendars, and bring them with you!

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